AVO Diagnostic Services | Equipment Diagnostic Evaluations

AVO Diagnostic Services | Equipment Diagnostic Evaluations

Progressive Diagnostics

AVO Diagnostic Services' proprietary diagnostic algorithms are incorporated into products and services for monitoring the Condition Status of your substation apparatus. We provide increasingly detailed analytical reports and engineering services to improve the quality of your substation maintenance based on your needs. Whether you need a basic oil condition report or a detailed technical analysis, one of our highly trained and experienced engineers can help. Our offerings are designed to let you decide the level of detail you need to help you make critical decisions quickly.

Specialized diagnostic programs

AVO Diagnostic Services combines laboratory, field test interpretation, and engineering expertise into complete diagnostic packages for specific equipment types. AVO Diagnostic Services engineers statistically analyze our vast database and work with industry experts, service companies, and OEM’s to validate our findings. If you need reliable transformer diagnostics, AVO diagnostic programs provide caution and warning condition codes on your test report to help you quickly understand the condition status of your equipment.


Engineering diagnostic programs

When it comes to transformer testing, AVO Diagnostic Services' experienced engineers evaluate oil testing data and other information in order to provide you with a detailed engineering report that evaluates the operating condition of the particular apparatus in question. The AVO Engineering Diagnostic Evaluation report highlights possible causes, and provides recommendations to assist you in quickly making decisions to improve reliability.

AVO's Specialized Diagnostic Programs and Engineering Diagnostic Evaluations are available for:

— Power and Substation Class Transformers
— Load Tap Changers; Oil Circuit Breakers
— HV Regulators
— Network Transformers; ESP Transformer Rectifiers


— Identify Fault Gases caused by equipment problems
— Correlate gas concentrations & gas ratios to specific problems
— Minimize internal inspections
— Save on maintenance expenses
— Decrease unplanned outages
— Catch problems at an early stage


— Determine equipment condition
— Comprehensive diagnostic report
— Receive actionable equipment condition code
— Perform targeted analytical tests




The condition and reliability of large power transformers are a major concern of any electric utility. Our proprietary fleet assessment program identifies and ranks your most vulnerable transformers from both a condition and risk viewpoint.

Optimize your Transformer maintenance

Condition and reliability of large power transformers are a major concern to any electric utility. Each unit serves many customers, and unplanned replacement or repair generates significant time and expense. Understanding the probable condition of individual units is vital to managing utility reliability and asset management planning for the future. Performing a fleet condition assessment to determine the condition and risk of your entire transformer fleet should be an important part of your asset management program.

AVO’s proprietary fleet assessment program identifies and ranks your most vulnerable transformers from both a condition and risk viewpoint. You can then optimize your maintenance and long-term capital investment planning spending by determining which transformers to repair or replace and by more efficient scheduling of transformer maintenance.


Series of tests and diagnostics thorough review of:



Our Oil Circuit Breakers program was developed to minimize the required number of internal inspections and provide a condition code that positions your OCB for a condition-based maintenance program.

Optimize your OCB maintenance

Oil Circuit Breakers, OCB’s, have been traditionally scheduled for maintenance based on:

— Passage of time
— Operational count
— Number of fault interruptions

Internal inspections based on these criteria are costly and, in most cases, the inspected units are problem free. Our program was developed to minimize the required number of internal inspections and provide a condition code that positions your OCB for a condition-based maintenance program.


Series of tests and diagnostics thorough review of:



LTCs are a critical component of power delivery systems. Our LTC diagnostic program will help you identify problems and take preventive, corrective action.

Optimize your LTC maintenance

LTCs are a critical component of power delivery systems. LTC failures are costly and can result in transformer failures. Fortunately, many problems can be located before the LTC fails. Our LTC diagnostic program will help you:

— Identify problem LTCs
— Take corrective action before problems occur

The LTC Assessment will minimize maintenance costs and help reduce unplanned outages.


Series of tests and diagnostics thorough review of:


Gas Insulated System Diagnostic Evalution

As part of your ongoing electrical asset management, it is important to test your gas insulated systems.

Gas Insulated System Diagnostic Evaluation

As part of your ongoing electrical asset management, it is important to test your gas insulated systems. Knowing the condition of your sulfur hexafluoride gas can reduce your operating costs and prevent catastrophic equipment failures. Let AVO help you keep your electrical utilities running smoothly with a diagnostic evaluation.

Maintain the unique properties of SF6 Gas
AVO Diagnostic Services provides comprehensive SF6 gas evaluation that includes evaluations of the moisture content, air content, and the SF6 degradation products.

There are many benefits to a having AVO perform a gas insulated system diagnostic evaluation, some of which include:

Each gas insulated system diagnostic evaluation includes a series of tests and diagnostics thorough review of:
Series of tests and diagnostics thorough review of:



Keeping every part of your electrical system running smoothly and minimizing downtime is the goal of any electrical asset management. AVO offers diagnostic evaluations for voltage regulators that will help you catch problems in their earliest stages, minimizing downtime and cost.

Voltage Regulator Diagnostic Evaluation

Voltage Regulator Diagnostic Evaluation
Keeping every part of your electrical system running smoothly and minimizing downtime is the goal of any electrical asset management. Voltage regulators are a key part of these systems, so routine voltage regulator maintenance should be part of your preventative maintenance activities. AVO Diagnostic Services offers diagnostic evaluations for regulators that will help you catch problems in their earliest stages, thus minimizing downtime and the potential for costly repairs.

Optimize your Regulators maintenance
Regulators are an integral part of any power system. Unplanned outages or the failure of a voltage regulator can impact companies financially and through a decrease in customer service during unplanned outages. The AVO's Regulator Diagnostic Program offers significant cost savings to customers through the early and correct identification of problem units.

Some of the benefits to choosing the AVO Diagnostic Services Program include:

Through a series of tests and diagnostics, during our Regulatory Diagnostic Program, AVO will:



There are considerable liability costs associated with the failure of network transformers. Mitigate those costs by testing your network transformers.

Maintenance/Liability Cost Savings

In the past, most network transformers were not tested because of perceived analysis cost and the relatively affordable replacement cost. This protocol did not consider the liabilities associated with a network transformer failure that resulted in personal injury.


Series of tests and diagnostics thorough review of:


ESP Transformers/Rectifiers

The failure of a transformer/rectifier can limit the performance of the ESP system and therefore limit production and output. 

Minimize Emissions & Maximize Output

The transformer/rectifier is a major component of the power supply system to the ESPs. The failure of a transformer/rectifier can limit the performance of the ESP system and therefore limit production and output. Our non-invasive fluid analysis program enables us to evaluate the current condition of your transformer/rectifier.




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